Indigo Children – A Spiritual View

Indigo is associated with a level of non-material spiritual development pursued by various cultures, notably the Tibetan Buddhism pursuit of the Rainbow body. {1} Indigo is the color of the sixth chakraAjna in the Hindu tradition, which is associated with clairvoyance. In most eastern spiritual cultures, indigo is associated with one of the highest achievable level of spiritual development. So from this protective, to be born an indigo child is to be born with the characteristics described by within these cultures, which are often foreign concepts to westerners.

  • Virtuous – modest, loving, caring, generous, selfless, just
  • Offeneded by lack of virtue – misuse of power, injustice, conflict, etc.
  • Clairvoyance – knowledge and wisdom beyond their years

From the work of Ian Stevenson on Children’s Past Lives we see that children raised in an unsupportive environment lose this innate gift through self protection. {2} They hide their abilities when they find that they are not understood by parents and peers. Indigo children raised in a supportive and understanding environment grow to be amazing people, but their innate virtue means they are not widely recognized in society. {3}


  1. Butler, W. E. How to Read the Aura and Practice Psychometry, Telepathy, & Clairvoyance. Rochester, VT: Destiny, 1998. Print.
  2. Stevenson, Ian. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Charlottesville: U of Virginia, 1980. Print.
  3. Brunner, Beatrice. “Od – the Spiritual Life Force in the Levels of Ascent.” The Spiritual World 2016.4 (2016): 3-19. Print.

’twas the night before Christmas – a modern view

The coming of the Messiah had been proclaimed since the beginning of the world. By the time the Earth had cooled, the Plan of Restoration was already laid out. Angels brought this message to the depths of Hell, giving hope to the legions of imprisoned fallen angels (us). The exact coming of the Messiah was unclear. God did not want Lucifer to stop it so this secret was kept safe in the highest reaches of Heaven until the day it was revealed to Mary, and then to the shepherds. The biblical Christmas reveals other parts of His Plan, and put in modern terms are listed below.

Wiseman = Scientist

The Ionian Greeks maintained the original Old Testament writing of King Solomon through Homer, Euclid, Pythagoras, Socrates and further to Origen of Alexandria’s Hexapla. The Ionian Greeks became the first Christians because of their holistic scientific/spiritual education. This gave them a unique understanding of the references of the coming Messiah. They were preparing for the Word of God (Logos) and the Love of God (Eros) to come. The wisemen from the East came to verify Jesus’ birth and bring this back their colleagues.

Shepherd = Public Relations Department

A shepherd ’s job is to protect the flock and this means two things: 1) They have a solitary life, far away from material distractions. 2) They know intimately their flock, their pastures and the starry night. Angels are very subtle, so a shepherd gives them the best chance to get their attention and receive their message. They also have a wide network (of customers) to spread the message.

Kings = Venture Capitalist

Jesus’ plan could not have been completed without the proper funding, giving him the freedom to travel and teach. The Kings were inspired to bring gifts to Jesus for this purpose.

Enjoy your celebration of the start of Jesus’ mission on Earth.

Merry Christmas

Silent Night

As Christmas nears, I am reminded of the problems of translations every day on the radio. The classic song, Stille Nacht was written in memory of Jesus’ entry into this world by Josef Mohr and it is beautiful in its original language, free of dogma like similar inspired works. The english translation by John Freeman Young diverges much more from the meaning of the original than cannot be explained by poetic license. Below are the German and English versions side by side, with a literal translation of the German to show the main areas where the original author’s meaning was changed. Using the technique pioneered by Origen of Alexandria, I have prepared a  phrase-by-phrase comparison of the two versions and highlighted the diversions in meaning in yellow. The variations come out of three areas of church dogma:

  • Mary is the mother of God – This comes from the logic error that the church was caught in. When the church elevated Jesus to being an appearance of God on Earth, this made Mary the mother of God. This meant that Mary could not have been a normal young mother and that Jesus could not have had any brother and sisters, or a normal childhood. The author of the song says that Jesus was born to a married couple. From Origen’s teachings we know that Jesus was conceived as every other human is by Mary and Joseph. Mary was an Angel sent to earth to become Jesus’ mother, just like all the other Prophets. In this way she is a spiritual virgin, in that she is free from any sin, besides not having had any children yet. Joseph was the father of Jesus’ human body, but His spirit that was incarnated in this body was created by God. Origen teaches us to separate the physical, moral and spiritual messages of the bible in order to understand its full meaning. Church dogma has made this a very difficult task.
  • The Holy Spirit – The author refers to multiple Angels in the song, yet the translator seems to have limited their involvement. The trinity dogma created a singular holy spirit to communicate with us and does not recognize the legions of Angels that protect, teach and influence us. The author says that Angels were singing both near and far, not just in Heaven. There were a great number of Angels from the legions of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who came with Jesus to protect and to serve him. We once belonged to these legions and when we return we keep our individuality. The creation of The Holy Spirit in the trinity dogma stole the individuality from us all.
  • Jesus died for all our sins, past and future through redeeming grace – Origen taught that the King of Heaven entered human form and lived a normal life, exposed to the temptations of the king of this world, Lucifer. He resisted all temptation and remained true to His Father, so upon His death, He earned the right to enter Lucifer’s domain in Hell and their two armies fought. Jesus was victorious over Lucifer when Lucifer conceded defeat in order to save his own life. This is when Jesus passed Final Judgement over Lucifer (Death). This new set of laws, restricts Lucifer in that he no longer 100% domain over Earth, but now must share it with Heaven’s Angels who can exert their influence on humanity. The Final Judgement set out the laws that will be effective until the end of the world and every fallen soul is returned to Heaven after repaying our debts. God’s Grace exists, but it takes more than just believing in Jesus as the King of Heaven for us to return to our rightful place in Heaven. This takes many lifetimes and many incarnations on Earth.

We are all fallen angels and our King came from Heaven in order to free us from our prison. Christmas, for the spiritual Christian, is the light at the end of a very long tunnel and the beginning of a new era when we can finally work our way back to our rightful place in Heaven. Men of good will recognize this and take up the battle over evil in this world to earn our way home.