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Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantI guess the right place to start would be to explain what I mean by the Ionian belief. When I speak about Ionian Greeks, I am speaking about a philosophical and spiritual orientation of a group of people, not their race or nationality. Ionians shared this world view with the Hebrews and the Celts. The Dorian Greeks, on the other hand, shared their spiritual and philosophical orientation with the Spartans, the Kurds and the Egyptians. Spiritual descendants of Noah, the Celts slowly migrated out of Mesopotamia settling farmable, but defensible lands. These hard-working, peace-loving and God-fearing peoples were always out numbered, so they were reliant on their superior strategic locations and the support from their neighbors in case they were attacked. The Celts who lived in the well protected mountain villages formed the Swiss confederacy exactly on this principle over 700 years ago.
The Kurds (Kusch) are spiritual descendants of Ham. These are the conquerors, the slave keepers and the book burners; the barbarians. They conquered the costal regions from slave-driven warships and used slaves to build enormous monuments to their pagan gods. The true craftsmen, doctors and artists in these cultures were enslaved Celts. Unfortunately no Celtic community survived the conquerors from antiquity until today, and therefore their most closely held spiritual beliefs are only innuendo in their poetry, their fables and their songs. Are you aware that the Ionians wrote in a secret code?Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantIt has always been a problem for people to truly know with whom they are speaking to in the spiritual world. It was not really until 1 John 4:1 that there was a proper guide to communication with the spiritual world. It has also been very arrogant of the Jews to think that God personally led them out of Egypt and continued to follow their every (false) step. Moses was a fallen soul, but even Abram (an un-fallen Prince of Heaven) had trouble telling which god was speaking to him during his life. (See my article on this topic at: A more consistent view is that Jesus has been the one who has taken a personal interest in leading His fallen subjects back into Heaven. It was Jesus who spent 40 days teaching Moses and 3 years teaching Paul. It was Jesus (Logos, Wisdom) who has taken personal responsible for bringing the Truth to us, the fallen. If you look behind the truly Great Teachers of history, you will find Jesus. Look at the deeper meaning of the names and similarity of the characters of Diotima, Aesop, and Calliope.
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantWhen he was finally declared a heretic, the roman clerics were then able to destroy these books, which contradicted the dogma that they started building up at Nicaea.
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantUnfortunately only a minority of the 318 church fathers at the Council of Nicaea were followers of the teachers of Origenes. I have not seen any evidence that true followers (those who moved to Caesarea with Origenes and those students of Didymos) voted with those loyal to Constantine, thereby helping to eventually bring the Trinity dogma into the church. I understand that the vote was close though which brought in the oneness between God and Jesus. But once any dogma was brought into the church, all of the translations‚ done over time were interpreted with this new dogma. So unless we have original texts from Origenes‚ hand, it is hard for us to say that Origenes or any of the early Christian communities taught the Trinity as it is now depicted in the church. It is also hard to say that when the Trinity concept came into the Latin translations of Origenes.
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Mr. Steenberg, I have enclosed a letter that addresses your concerns about my biblical interpretations. I hope you find it interesting. I have also included the second draft of the paper that I will be presenting in Liverpool this June. It explains the basis of my thesis as a healthy spiritual interpretation of the inspired writings that we have access to today. I understand that it apposes all mainstream theological interpretations. Now that the inquisition has no power, it is time to critically look at the teachings were destroyed by it. We need to either embrace them as being theoretically possible, or reject them as not plausible; but they need to be discussed without prejudice in order to open up a health dialog between all to the religions of the world and the scientific community. Because it is here that God’s ethical Laws are desperately needed to help guide both research and the use of the products of research. Have a happy and holy holiday season!