Forum Replies Created
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Andrew,
Thanks for the introduction. I have made a short reply and it would be nice for Edward to do the same thing. This will give Bishop Ewen a chance to see what he is in for.
Best regards, ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
Yes, this was the lesson that Liverpool and you taught me. I must get out and let my light shine. God did not put me here to hide it away from others. My light is what makes our office environment so peaceful. No one can put there finger on why, but they do notice when I am not here. Even if I do not say a word all day long to anyone, they notice.I have felt the presence of God around me even when I am walking down 5th Avenue in New York with millions around me. Yes, I do know that this is possible and I am grateful for my Guardian Angel’s presence with me especially at these times.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and do not worry, I understand everything that you are trying to say. We are connected and I am curious to find out one day exactly why, but that can wait!
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
It is certainly a big step to convert from the Jewish faith to the Christian. The step to Christianity is important, but what you do after is much more important. I have met very few christians who can follow the basic law: “Love thy neighbor as thyself. Yes it is the hardest law to keep, but most “christians” break it everyday.I was in church today. It is not something that I do often because there are so many things that disturb me. I am sending you a copy of the letter that I just sent to the priest of the church regarding prayer. It disturbs me that they send so much time praying for everything under the sun and telling God what to do about it. It is amazing how little energy is created through prayer in a church full of people!
Have a nice week.
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
I will be happy to keep you included in our dialog, but do not think that I am to busy to talk to you. I am always happy to connect to your soul and to get a glimpse of your light. Lene, our spiritual teacher, once said that we should imagine the following: “I am a sun of God, and I ask for His Light to shine down on me and I let His Light shine out to all of those around me.” I have a good image of this in my head, and when I walk down the street I ask God to let His Light shine out to all who I pass along the way. It is His Light that you saw in me in Liverpool and it is His Light that connects us always.Good luck on your work and may God’s Light fill you, your daughter and your son.
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
Your words are so kind and I thank you for them. My “summer work” will be to start on a dialog in the tradition of Plato with three others. Andrew McCarthy MD (the doctor) and Edward Moore (the scholar) from the conference will be joining me (the engineer) and Bishop Ewen (the priest) here in Bermuda in “A Dialog towards the Truth”.We hope to collectively write a book that discusses the most difficult questions of philosophy and religion with the goal of getting people to think about them in greater depth; and with the help of Socrates and Origen to be able to give them ideas about how these great people viewed these issues.
I wish you luck and strength in your PhD work and have fun in your return to Plotinus!
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
It makes me so happy that you at a new beginning. I have said goodbye to Suzanne and Shana tonight for the summer and I have started on my summer work. I hope that it can become what I hope that it can. We will see.We have so much ahead of us, and I am so happy that you, Suzanne and Shana are behind me in my work; it is too much to ask for. Saying goodbye to my wife for the summer was hard, but she knows that what I am doing is for the good of Jesus’ work. I hope that I can live up to this expectation.
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Andrew,
I thank you for your enthusiasm and understand you cautions completely. I have set up a password protected forum that the four of us only have access to during the writing of the dialog. The Forum is just a tool to bring us all together, but to let each work independently. After we all have edited our parts, I envision bringing the work to a publisher for a joint publication; the property of the four parties involved. I strongly believe that the four of us can achieve something much greater than any one of us alone. “When two or more have gathered in My Name…”Of course the paper that you sent to me I treat as my own personal copy.
Best regards, ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Andrew,
Yes, it was not your words that attracted me to you, but rather your soul. Three people said the same to me after my talk; that was a huge present for my soul.I sit in my home-office as I am writing and look down at ½ acre of empty grass, and see in it a meeting place, as I would imagine an early Christian meeting place, when the Holy Spirit was still active in the communities; teaching and healing. A place where the Muse’s teach, as Socrates so highly treasured. Bermuda is the only place in the English speaking world where this could be possible today.
The first step in this direction is with words and the best format is in a dialog. The next steps are interpersonal as you alluded to. I know the odds are huge against, but it only takes a few to start a widespread trend of change; look what Socrates and Plato did! So many people are looking for answers today, but do not find them.
I will be meeting with the Bishop Ewen in the next week and after that should have everyone lined up for the dialog. I have set the four of us up on a private forum at Your logon is simply Andrew and the password is bermuda. When you have time just login and update your personal information so that others see who you are. I will set up topics shortly to discuss. If it works as I hope it will, then the forum should be able to be converted into a book format fairly easily. (If there is any value!) The lineup looks good though:
Ewen – the priest
Andrew – the doctor
Shawn – the engineer
Edward – the scholarBest wishes, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Andrew,
I have really enjoyed our conversation and I was wondering if you would be interested in joining a venture that has been growing in the back of my mind. When Edward Moore read my first paper on Origen, he said that it did not go over very well in the form that I presented it, as it was too one-sided. Therefore, the paper that I wrote for the conference was written in point/counter-point format; allowing the reader to make his own judgment. Edward suggested that he and I write a dialog on these difficult topics with the help of others in the spirit of the symposium. I have had this idea on the back burner for a while, but I think that the idea is getting ripe. The Bishop of Bermuda has invited me to partake in a “discussion towards the truth”. I am thinking that it would be nice to jointly write a dialog about these little understood topics that we have touched on in the past days. Between you, me, Edward and Bishop Ewen we would be able to cover a wide range of opinions on the subjects of ‘the meaning of life’, ‘life after death’, ‘the existence and preexistence of the soul’, and ‘heaven and hell’, which I believe would make good reading for a wide range of readers; scientific, academic, and religious, besides the general reader.I am not interested in making any money in any of my ventures, but I do see huge value in a collection our thoughts for the world today and would like to be a part of bring some emotional intelligence into our world. All of my writing has been done just to get people to think for themselves and to see that their widely held perceptions are fundamentally wrong. We have no control over our lives, if we did the world be a Darwinian Chaos. But it is not. It is Divine planning and guidance that provides harmony in life and Darwinian thought that causes the chaos. I think our collective words could help people to see this fact and at the same time accept that being insignificant is not a bad thing.
I am very thankful to Nash who proved Darwin and Freidman wrong and proved that “love thy neighbor as thyself” is superior to the pursuit of self-gratification.
Best regards, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Andrew,
I really understand where you are coming from. I have not been able to have a ‘reasonable’ discussion with anyone materialistic. They fall into a rhetorical ritual that leads them nowhere and therefore to the conclusion that you cannot know anything. Or, like to politician, they build a house of mirrors in which they feel comfortable to live.This is what appeals to me most about Plato’s dialogs. They allow the sophisticate comfort in their shallow thinking, but allow the deep, reasonable thinker the ability to analyze those around him. It is beautiful how Socrates maintains his sweet reasonableness throughout the dialogs and reveals the true personality of his opponent, without them knowing that he is doing it.
As I said in my last email; only by letting your heart (soul) drive your intellect can you discover the truth in this world. In your profession (as with mine) there are way too many dark souls; so many are very materialistic. This type of soul cannot lead the intellect to higher ground, but rather the intellect builds a materialistic home in which it feels comfortable.
The soul that has laid aside its materialistic view (or one that has been stripped of it) has now the possibility to see with their heart into the world around them. With this heart, they can then bring their intellect to an enlightened level. Unfortunately this level of enlightenment is rare in our world, and as you have said, it brings with it a huge amount of humility, but it is achievable for those who look for it.
Socrates, Origen, Galileo and Schrödinger found it and they were strong enough to rise up from their materialistic environment and leave it behind for us to enjoy. I will never rise to that level, but I am content in knowing that their teachings have found deep soil in me. (The sowing of the seed parable.)
Best regards, Shawn
Ps. I have attached my allegorical notes on Phaedrus and I thought that you might be interested in seeing them. Socrates is warning us of the use of wide spread rhetoric that you talked about in your email. (I translated this into English from the German version translated by Meiner. Meiner had great insight into the nuances in the Greek that I have not seen any English translation. I placed [clarifications] into the text and footnotes with the help of Origen’s allegorical technique. He paid special detail to the names and places used in writings, attempting to extract the speakers deeper spiritual meaning, one only available to the soul-driven intel! lect that I discussed above.)
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
I am so happy that you seen that this is bigger than me and you. Ye we are both connected to something bigger than we can imagine; the restoration work of Jesus. Yes, Jesus came to restore His lost people back to Heaven, but He is not alone in this effort. Every Angel is helping Him do His work. The Prophets that came in advance of Jesus were some of His highest Angels. Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael all came to earth to teach us about Jesus and to prepare the way for Him.We have the ability to be a tiny part of this huge effort. If we are a ‘good tool’ for Him, then His Angles will guide us, and show us the way to be most helpful for them. If we are a ‘bad tool’ He will discard us and look for another.
Yes, we are small….
Yes, we share knowledge that is not ours, but His….
Yes, we do not know where we are going, but this does not matter because we are being guided by His Will. Our job is to work hard, with a pure heart and as long as we do that, His Angels will guide us. We do not need to know the future or worry about the past; we must 1) Ask for forgiveness and forget the past, 2) work hard, with an open heart and mind, taking the suggestions that come from our heart 3) Do not think about the future, but have faith that you are being guided by the strongest hands in Heaven. Yes, we do not search the world for the silence, but recognize that it in our soul.Eight years ago I had the same feelings that you have just described to me. It has taken them a long time to mold me into a usable tool. I had much pride to eliminate. I had to stop longing to know the future. I had much humility to learn. (And still do!)
I am very excited that I have been introduced to you. I do not know what it is that we are supposed to be doing together, but I have faith that we are guided from the same, strong hand. As long as we clean up our soul from our vices, His Angels will want to take up residence in us. They will not take residence in a dirty soul.
Have a wonderful day and be strengthened by the thought that you are not alone in your silence, but strengthened through your silent resolve by His Angels. And through your silence you open your ears to their soft voices.
Love Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
Do not worry, I understand you perfectly. I do not underestimate you either; anyone who can harvest such wisdom from Plotinus is very intelligent!I really enjoyed your paper and would like to publish it on my Origenes2000.Org website. Would you want to do that? If so, please email the paper, in English and Portuguese, and I can publish both of them. I have asked the other presenters (those who’s papers I think have a good connection with Origenes) to send me their papers also. I will create a place for these on the site.
You and your son are in my prayers and my heart.
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantExcuse my use of “silly”, and please understand that it is coming from an aeronautical engineer. It might seem to the casual observer that his concept of matter was logical; the heaviest material is in the center of the Earth and the lightest in the heavens. But I see it as a fundamental flaw in his entire philosophical view of the world around him. The Ionian view still holds true today; you must study and understand the world around you in order to gain insights into its Creator. Therefore the converse holds; he, who holds a false view of the nature, cannot hold the proper view of philosophy: the love of Wisdom (Jesus).
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantI guess the right place to start would be to explain what I mean by the Ionian belief. When I speak about Ionian Greeks, I am speaking about a philosophical and spiritual orientation of a group of people, not their race or nationality. Ionians shared this world view with the Hebrews and the Celts. The Dorian Greeks, on the other hand, shared their spiritual and philosophical orientation with the Spartans, the Kurds and the Egyptians. Spiritual descendants of Noah, the Celts slowly migrated out of Mesopotamia settling farmable, but defensible lands. These hard-working, peace-loving and God-fearing peoples were always out numbered, so they were reliant on their superior strategic locations and the support from their neighbors in case they were attacked. The Celts who lived in the well protected mountain villages formed the Swiss confederacy exactly on this principle over 700 years ago.
The Kurds (Kusch) are spiritual descendants of Ham. These are the conquerors, the slave keepers and the book burners; the barbarians. They conquered the costal regions from slave-driven warships and used slaves to build enormous monuments to their pagan gods. The true craftsmen, doctors and artists in these cultures were enslaved Celts. Unfortunately no Celtic community survived the conquerors from antiquity until today, and therefore their most closely held spiritual beliefs are only innuendo in their poetry, their fables and their songs. Are you aware that the Ionians wrote in a secret code?Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantThe text that we have available to us today may clearly state the singular form, but that still does not sit well with me. If we look at Acts 2:3 to 4, a more plausible translation would be: “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it [a holy spirit] sat upon each of them. And they were all [each] filled with the [a] Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave them utterance.” This is consistent with the other occurrences of Prophets throughout the Bible. In this case though, Jesus’ promise to “send the teachers” had been fulfilled and now there were hundreds of Prophets (divine messengers) speaking in the same place. -