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Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantCommnets on AfterLife Encounters with Dianne Arcangel
Dear Teddy and Karlen,
I am always interested to listen to your show and to challenge your title: “Beyond Reason”. Your interview with Dianne, breached the beyond reason threshold for me. I have access to the same information and research that Elizabeth Kubler-Ross had, and this does not agree with Dianne’s description of discarnate spirits. As we know from the broad spectrum of personalities that exist within mankind, her hypothesis that all of these personalities are good after death is “Beyond Reason”.The research that we know from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Carl Wickland, and Whalter Hinz shows us that that all the personalities continue in the afterlife. The ones who are spiritually advanced, do not bother coming back to the material world (unless they have a specific job to do). The materialistic personalities tend to stay with what they are used to and reject the spiritual world. The ones who carry hate, greed, and envy into death are just as dark in the afterlife as they were in their life and they can be allowed to haunt and possess the living (see Wickland also Edith Fiore and Franchezzo).
Ignorance of the darker discarnate spirits is a great fault of religion, as all major religions downplay the darks side of the spiritual world. This was done out of good reason, as praying to or paying tribute to the dark side has horrible consequences for the living. (i.e. Voodoo, Oracles) But ignorance of the dark side and its power over individuals is a mistake. There is great need to bring light to this darkness today, especially in light of all the glitter the dark side has to offer humanity. The light side does not entice us with wealth, fame and power, but the dark side does.
Best wishes, ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantComments on “Jesus: The Misunderstood Jew” with AJ Levine
Dear Teddy and Karlen,
AJ should know as a scholar that the group of people who followed Moses out of Egypt were slaves from all over the world, and not one race. They were Hebrews (sharing a common belief) and not Jews (common ancestry). The distinction between spiritual (of the eternal spiritual world) and material (finite) has been the root of strife throughout the bible, and today.With this understanding, it is clear that Jesus was born into a Jewish family, but he was a Christian who was baptized by John the Baptist; an outward act for Him to show His spiritual ancestry. When you read the bible with an open heart, you see that all the Prophets and Jesus criticized the Jewish tradition and power structure. They all abhorred the materialistic interpretation of sacrifice and the materialistic interpretation of the Word of God.
For me it is clear that the Jews were (are) not able to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, because they were expecting a material ruler and material peace. They could not see the Spiritual Ruler who brought peace to a Spiritual Place called Jerusalem. Jesus tells us that “His Kingdom is not of this world.” So this begs the question, “Where is His Kingdom?”.
It was not until the Third century that Origen of Alexandria brought these points all together and reconciled Jewish belief with the Christian belief brought by Jesus in his work Contra Celsum. Only with the broad view taken by Origen and with his exacting examination of all teachings (with what we would call to day the scientific method) is any scholar able to break free of a materialistic interpretation of the Old Testament and find the deeper spiritual meaning within it. This is personal process that each individual must go through, because without throwing aside our materialistic view point, a spiritual view is impossible. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Best regards, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantThere is one other very important thing to remember about Moses. God did not let him into the Promised Land. This clearly means that God did not find favor with his life. I am astounded by those who do not read the prophets. All the prophets admonished the Jews for their ungodly acts; just look at Isaiah 1 for an example. These are the same acts of blood sacrifice that Moses allowed Aaron to bring into the Jewish practice. Aaron (and Moses) acted as the many generations that followed them; they destroyed the prophet (Miriam) who stood against these pagan acts. It was Joshua who found favor with the Lord (Numbers 14:20-38) and was not drawn into the evil acts of the elders.
What Origen was able to discover through his work on the Hexapla was how the later generations covered their tracks, putting emphasis on that which pleased them. The second writing of the Old Testament, written by the priests who came back from exile in Babylon justified themselves and the rituals they learned in the city of the devil. They adjusted the bible to paint Miriam as being the one in the wrong. They also removed many of prophets’ words which admonished the scribes for doing exactly this.
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantYou bring up some very good points here regarding men of God and allegory. People today think of allegory as something magical, or of just plain reading what you want into a passage. The main advantage that Origen had over all of us today is the most extensive understanding of the Old Testament and the actions taken to bury its Truth over the years after its writing. (See his historic work on the Hexapla.) The allegory of Origen was based on his extensive knowledge of all passages of the bible and an understanding at the literal, moral, and spiritual levels free of contradiction from Genesis to Revelations.
How could God (who gave Moses the commandment, thou shall not kill) tell any person to kill? One has to look closely at the ‘gods’ who supposedly told people to kill and try to understand if they were really God or just Lucifer posing as a god (see ). There are many cases of the latter, and I know of only one of the former. This is the Passover story when God ordered the death of the First Born of Egypt.
This case was special in two ways; first, God ordered his angles to kill the first born and not man to do so. Second, this was the first born of Egypt or of Lucifer. It was the practice at that time in Egypt to present the virgin daughters of Egypt to the high priest of the temple when they came of age (16). Just as an Angel of God possessed (took control of) Joseph’s body at the time of the “immaculate conception” of Jesus, so did Lucifer possess the high priest when he raped the virgins of Egypt. It was the children of this act that God was destroying, and why he sent his Angel of Death to kill only the first born.
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantComments on “Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities” with Echo Bodine
Dear Teddy,
Yes, the bible is a very good handbook for someone developing their psychic ability. It gives many examples of what is possible, and more importantly, warns of the potential risks. The most important warning comes in 1 John 4: “Test the spirits”.The thing that Echo did not make clear is the broad range of abilities that get labeled today as psychic. She mixes the idea of reading thoughts and prophecy, which is dangerous. It is important to know that this gift allows the user access to spiritual energy and spiritual beings; both positive and negative. Using the music analogy further, everyone may have the potential to play music, but few can play J.S. Bach as he wrote it and even fewer can compose music as beautiful as he wrote.
Keeping with this analogy, we find that the true musical masters are not just gifted, but their whole person is aligned with the Divine. At the end of each piece Bach wrote, he dedicated it to “The Honor of God”. Psychics or mediums can only access the spectrum of spiritual energy which is in tune with them (mind, body, and soul). Moses told the Israelites to cleanse themselves before approaching the mountain and not to attempt to climb the mountain in order to protect them from the intensity of God’s Light. Only Moses and his medium Joshua were pure enough in heart (soul) to be this close to God; all the others would have been killed by the intensity of His Light. There are few examples of people with this precious gift, but many more who have used their gift for material gain, such as the great oracles of the past , including Delphi.
As you know we all have seven chakras. Each one of these has its own frequency, from low (red, base chakra) to high (violet, crown chakra). Attached to each one of the chakras are the seven layers of our spiritual body. When a clairvoyant looks at the spiritual body of someone, rarely can they see all seven, but rather they are able to see the one in-tine with their own frequency. Being able to see the life energy associated with the base chakra can help in healing, but this does not mean the clairvoyant can see the higher frequency bodies or the higher frequency beings (Angels, Elves, and Fairies). These laws govern all spiritual communication, (I.e. a clairaudient can only hear within their own personal bandwidth.)
Teddy, you asked a very good question: “What should a psychic do who is in a situation where they are not appreciated or understood?” I know many of people in this category also and the most successful ones do nothing at all; they just are. If a psychic has aligned their mind, body, and soul with the Divine, their greatest work is just to be, not to do: to just let His Love and Light flow through them to their friends, family and clients. I have a good friend who has a very materialist husband and rejects all her beliefs and her gifts, but she is never alone! Besides communicating with the Divine Spiritual World she talks directly to her husband’s soul/heart and does not bother to talk to his ego or mind. His soul is very grateful for this, even though his mind cannot accept it. It is not our job to change people or know why they are as they are; but rather to allow the option to change through their Free Will and to show them another way…
Best regards, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantComments on “Angels, Helpers and Spirit Guides”
Dear Karlen,
In this podcast you asked Richard: “Are they [spirit guides] aware of our prayers? Do they intercede on our behalf?”Many religions talk about the omnipresence of God. Modern philosophy talks about the goal of life for our soul to become at one with The One. Both of these views are really squishy views of God as The Creator and our Father. If you look at Angels (unfallen, pure souls) and spirit guides (returning souls) as doing the Will of God, it is then easy to see how God can be in effect omnipresent, while still being a unique being. With legions of Angels at one with Him and all the guardian spirits; He can insure His Will is done!
Our greatest gift is the gift of Free Will. That is why we are here, so far away from where we were created. We must choose to follow His Will, and when we do this, His Angels will intercede on our behalf. When we choose not to do His Will, then there are plenty of lost souls (those who have not chosen the path back to God) and dark souls (who are still loyal servants of Lucifer) ready to come to our sides.
This brings us the weegee board problem that you bring up. It is God’s Will that we freely live our lives in the way Jesus showed us to. People who do this do not really need to talk their Guardian Angel, because they already know in the heart of hearts what they need to do in this life. Skeptics and non-believers will only be able to “talk” to spirits at their own level or on their same wavelength. What value does anyone gain from talking to someone who does not really know he/she is dead, and does not know how to get to the light?
The difficulty in our lives is to fine the true spiritual teachers, because the highest spiritual teachings are truly precious (See Matthew 7:6) When you look back into history, as I have done with critical eyes, you will find that all the true spiritual teachers have been brutally killed and defamed. Look at the fate of all the Prophets of Israel including Jesus. Look at Socrates, Origen of Alexandria, Joan of Arc, and Galileo. What these all have in common is they had something to say that our materialistic, power hungry world did not want to hear and did not want the masses to learn.
Best regards, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantComments on “Do Ghosts Exist? with Linda Alice Dewey
Dear Teddy,
It was nice to hear that you are looking to go with out the layover in Atlanta! The early Christians knew how to make this non-stop flight. You may be interested to read the paper that I wrote about Origen of Alexandria and his theory of the “Restoration of All Things” called “Origen: Heretic or Prophet” So much horror was brought to the world in the name of Christianity by worldly leaders that it is hard to look back through this to the true roots of Christian teaching.Linda Alice Dewy has a beautiful heart and some great insight; and if you look back to the greatest Christian teacher you will find confirmation of her insight and a great wealth of information about ghosts (the lost souls), spirits (returning souls) and Angels (pure souls that never fell). Origen taught that each of us is on our own road to complete restoration and union with God (and His Will). Some of us have just started this path and do not really know where we are going. It is these souls (who have not recognized His Will) that remain lost after they die. Those have been here many times (and see the purpose of their life and suffering) are ready for their death and for their further development in the spiritual world. They do remember the place they came from and cannot wait to get back to it! They also have many from the higher heavens waiting to greet them.
It was truly Good New (Gospel) that Jesus brought to humanity; opening the Gates of Heaven and allowing all of us (the Fallen Souls) to finally start going Home; even eventually the king of this world: Lucifer!
Best regards, Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantComments on “The Other Side of Death” by Scott Degenhardt
Dear Teddy and Karlen,
I am very happy with the content of your recent podcasts, especially Scott Degenhardt. It looks he is doing great work, carrying on from Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s work.It would be nice if you could do a podcast with Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia about his work on reincarnation. I would be sure that many of your listeners would be fascinated by his on-going work. I would specifically be interested in hearing from him about the spiritual aspects of his work; going beyond the forensic studies, and support the work done by Scott Degenhardt.
I have a good friend in Brazil who fits into his case history. She has a dreadful fear of guns, a birthmark in the middle of her chest 1 cm in diameter and suffered the majority of her life with a spinal pain behind her heart.
I am not looking to document the case of reincarnation, but I would like to address the spiritual sickness that she brought into this life as a result of her past life. The spiritual body was injured in the last life, and when she was born it had not yet healed. This spiritual injury affected the development of the skin at the entry wound, but this was minor compared to the damage done to the spiritual body where the bullet was lodged into the spine. Modern medicine cannot detect this type of spiritual injury, and many other similar ones.
My friend was cured of this spiritual illness through the use of the alternative medical practice of eutony a few years ago, after wasting so much time with standard medical examinations and treatments. Modern, materialistic medicine does not acknowledge these spiritual illnesses, and Dr. Stevenson’s work should help some practitioners to look beyond the physical/chemical level of metal illness to the root cause of it: the spiritual sickness.
I am a little perplexed at the name of your site though. The ancient Greeks taught us to “study creation in order to get to know its Creator”. Socrates, the father of logic and reason spoke as much about the spiritual world as he did the physical, if not more. I would venture to say that he would not place any of your topics as “beyond reason”; but then our modern, materialistic society is no where as holistic as Socrates taught us to be…
Best wishes, Shawn
Ps. Karlen you asked about how a lost spirit (ghost) can continue his/her addiction in the podcast. I would like to give a very good book to show you the great danger of these types of spiritual addicts. It is called “A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands” by Franchezzo ISBN 1411687183, and you will see how these lost spirits use the bodies of the weak-in-spirit to relive their addictions.
Another good reference is Dr. Carl Wickland’s book “Thirty Years Among the Dead” which is available at
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantSo much of what Origen wrote was destroyed, and much of what was left was “translated” to fit with the dogma of the time. (See the apology of Rufinus ) This is the case for book 8 of the Commentary on Matthew. It comes from a Latin translation out of the sixth century and it is clear that the translator only took what he wanted out of Origen’s work to suit his purposes. (See Hermann J. Vogt’s introduction to his German translation of the Commentary on Matthew.) Only books 10 to 17 are available to us in the original Greek, so we are unable to find Origen’s original teachings about the second coming of Elijah from this section.
When you look at what is missing from Origen’s commentary on John, you find that the discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus about reincarnation in John 3.2-21 is also missing. (Book 10 goes to John 2.25 and book 13 starts up again at John 4.13; books 11 and 12 are conveniently missing/destroyed.) Everything that directly supported his teaching of the Restoration of All Things was destroyed after the “The Anathematisms of the Emperor Justinian against Origen” in 543 AD.
It is important to remember though that Origen’s teaching of reincarnation was different that that of Pythagoras and some of this may be coming through in the quoted section. The Restoration of All Things was not possible at the time of Pythagoras, since Jesus had not yet performed His act of redemption that allows all the fallen souls to re-enter Heaven through a long, slow purification on Earth. Origen taught only a reincarnation that fulfills this purpose, not a continuous rebirth of a soul without any higher purpose as is taught in other places. Without understanding the basic difference, a translator could have real problems with the fine points made by Origen.
Edward Moore presents a strong argument for the Restoration of All Things in his paper and Robert Strauli presents a very strong case for this in his book “Origenes Der Diamantene”, which is only available in German currently.
I hope this is of some help for you!
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
I think the best place to start with the symposium is to understand who is actually talking. We know from Plato that he was not there. There was a journalist present who documented this historic discussion between the Ionian Greeks (Eryximachos, Agathon, Socrates) the Spartan elite (Phaidros, Alkibiades) and the Dorians (Pausanias, Aristophanes, Aristodemos). Have a look at what each one of these had to say about Eros. Are they really talking about the same God?The democracy of Athens had fallen to the wayside under Perikles as the Ionians lost their majority to spartans and dorians. This meeting was an attempt by Socrates to help explain the difference in the spiritual beliefs of the two groups. He was attempting to get them to recognize the True Eros. In the end, he was put to death for his belief as he was not able to convince the leaders of Athens. His refusal to bring sacrifices to the dorian gods cost him his life. This was a real key point in the turning of Athens (once the capital of Ion) into the home of pagans. Looking back, we see two images of the spiritual world. By the Dorians/Spartans (and Romans) we see a spiritual world full of many gods with major character flaws. These are the fallen princes of heaven that they are adoring. The Ionians talk about the same gods, but they are praising character, as they existed in Olympia. They praise the Divine Muse who come to earth to teach us as opposed to the nymphs who come here to (from below) to tempt us.
So when we read Plato, we must understand that his life was too in danger. The dialog was the perfect way for Plato to allow the words of his master live. By publishing his words next to the beliefs held by the ruling aristocrats, they did not feel threatened. They continued to think of Socrates as the fool, since they were (and are still today) unable to see the great wisdom in his words.
Love Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
The difficulty in I see that I have is that you are most likely reading an English translation which has completely lost the idea of Eros as a God and replaced it a thing called love. So now I see how difficult it is to understand my comments.I have attempted to translate from the German a small part of the end of Eryximachus talk. Below is the English I got from the web and below that is my translation of the German. (He was probable looking at Socrates when he said this.)
Wherefore the business of divination is to see to these loves and to heal them, and divination is the peacemaker of gods and men, working by a knowledge of the religious or irreligious tendencies which exist in human loves. Such is the great and mighty, or rather omnipotent force of love in general. And the love, more especially, which is concerned with the good, and which is perfected in company with temperance and justice, whether among gods or men, has the greatest power, and is the source of all our happiness and harmony, and makes us friends with the gods who are above us, and with one another.
Between the forces of the Olympian and the Hadean Eros to differentiate and to actually receive healing, one must really be spiritually talented. Such people are the founders of [the renewed] friendship with the Gods of Olympia. Thanks to them people are capable [again] to realize which endearing changes will lead to an honest and god-fearing life. So broadly diverse and great is the force of Olympian Eros. Yes, to say it shortly, he participates in the power of God Himself. When one with an honest and endearing life demonstrates he is devoted to the true goodness [like Socrates has], he receives the highest respect by both we Ionians and by the Gods of Olympia. Such a person has created [for him and indirectly also for] others the path to perfect happiness; since his example gives us courage to live in peace with our neighbors. Thus we also win the friendship of Gods of Olympia.
I have added a few clarifications in [] so that it makes it easier to see what they were really talking about. The Ionians who were listening had more knowledge than we do today about the subject of the gods.
I also have been wanting to say something about Aristotle. You know that it wasn’t until 700 years after he died that anyone really took interest in his work. It was the Roman church who took up Aristotle to help explain the dogma they had created. They could not use Plato to do this as Origenes had been declared a heretic and Origenes had built the bridge between Plato and Jesus. (But this bridge was now heresy.)
Aristotle said that “What one thinks and what one says has nothing to do with each other.” This was the perfect philosophy for the politicians and rulers of Rome!
I hope this helps you some.
Love ShawnShawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
I have been busy and I wanted to find the right words for you, which I will still do for your first question.I am not justifying the inquisition, I am just saying that the church had lost all of its spiritual orientation and could no longer recognize divine inspiration from demonic inspiration as we are taught by John (1 John 4). They saw any such person as a threat to their materialistic power-base. But we have gotten past that and need to use the logic of Plato and the teachings of the apostles to determine the origin of any spiritual teaching. We can quickly disregard the teaching of the Oracles when we study the practices that went on at these temples.
Love Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
I think it good that you are studying the Symposium! There is so much in it that helps us to understand the core problem of philosophy: Deciding which of the two worlds you want to belong to. The Symposium gives us a framework to find out to which world the god in question belongs to Olympia or Hades. The discussion of the two Eros in the Symposium gives you the Ionian view of “The Love of God” (Jesus) and the Spartans view of their Eros (he who impersonates Jesus on Earth – Lucifer).When I was going through Kingsley’s materials, I was struck by his obsession with the latter gods. You and I know that the use of magic today only happens in conjunction with voodoo and other forms of devil worship. This was always the case. The two main ancient centers were Babylon and Egypt. Later this form of worship spread to Athens and to Rome. Remember, Socrates died because he refused to offer sacrifice to these gods, brought to Athens by the Spartans and the Dorians!
Kingsley is fascinated with the one poem written by Parmenides and he compares to others written in Babylon. The journey that is described is in fact very similar to other accounts of journeys into Hades. They are fascinating accounts, but very dangerous when the reader does not know that the story is of the underworld.
He also digs up the old practices from the Apollo temples. I am sure that this is not what you are looking for. Have a close look at the god Apollo and tell me who you see behind him. This is the path that both Socrates and Eryximachus forge for us: how to uncover the true character of the god in question. There is great fame and wealth to be earned on Earth from service of the latter gods, but this is also not what you want. It seems that Kingsley has gone in this direction.
Inspiration and guidance from the gods is a very difficult subject. Plato and others help us to understand what is required to receive guidance and inspiration from Olympia. This is connected with spiritual sacrifice and high character. The gods of Hades are more than willing to inspire and guide those who can be good tools for them and who are willing to pay their price. This is one reason why the church ended up killing all the inspired people in the middle ages, because they had lost the ability to determine from where this inspiration came.
I hope that this is some help to you. I wish you luck on you path. Both of our paths are filled with dangers and I am happy that you are at my side.
Love Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
Plato called his teacher Hephast, a son of Zeus. The Greeks also called the husband of Aphrodite Hephast, one of the first born of the Charitinnen. (Odyssey 8,364) The poet Euripides called him the Muse Nightingale and the Hailer of Wisdom. These names all point to Socrates being the incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel who lost his dual in the Fall. Therefore, he was very excited to celebrate that Aphrodite had been washed ashore, out of the bitter sea (hell) and onto land (earth).I know this is all very difficult for you, but I am very confident that you have the power and guidance to bring some of this light into modern philosophy.
I have attached my presentation on Socrates because of the picture mainly. On the note pages you will see some references that you may want to look up yourself. I only have the German text and will start to translate into English. I hope it helps some as it is. (the pictures on the first slide help to show the real problem. On the left is what he looked like, wise and intelligent. The picture on the left is what people like Aristophanes and Aristotle made him into: a drunken idiot.
Love Shawn
Shawn T Murphy
ParticipantDear Gabriela,
It is important to remember that Socrates was not his name, but rather his title or life’s work. His given name was Myron and he learned the art of sculpture from his father and practiced this in his younger years. It was when he recognized his calling to “Stand up against the sophisticates” that he took on the title Socrates. The Ionians were masters of the word. They were a minority of the Greeks and lived side-by-side with the dorians (pagan Greeks), so their language was full of symbolism and even code. This would allow them to talk about their deep spiritual and moral beliefs in a way that was not threatening to the dorians. We can see this when we take a real close look at Aesop’s fables today. You will be able to see the symbolism used here to teach both moral behavior and deep spiritual law that even is non-threatening to a child.The dorian aristocrats and the Spartan elite learned the gift of rhetoric, but not wisdom. This is what Socrates gave us and what Plato preserved for the world. Socrates shows us how to differentiate between that what might sound nice versus what is logical and true, thus wise. We have to use his example to uncover what is beautiful and true, thus putting aside what servers only man.
I hope this is some help to you, but as you know, this level of thinking is not common in philosophy today. I hope that you are strong enough to stand up for the Love of Wisdom today. (Don’t forget who the Wisdom of God is, for that is what Socrates saw in the word Philosophy!)
Love Shawn